More than 200 hotels have ended with Soft Bank backed OYO over mismanagement of contracts, arbitrary charges and other disputes. Industry association said, adding that others want to exit contracts, but are struck for various reasons. Oyo refuted the allegations.
“ This is more dominant is the south and West, but now hotels in North India are also doing this”, the the VP of FHRAI. “ We are hearing that about 200 hotels would have ended their agreement with OYO and more are joining in. Notice have been sent by the Company to some as they are trying to scare the hotels, but you can’t force anyone to do business with you”. OYO said there was no such trend.
“ Barring some isolated cases on account of breach of contract over repeated offence that could endanger guests safety and security, and reminders are following certain operating norms, all of which are identified and evaluated as per standard process in any agreement, we have not taken any such measures”, said an Oyo spokesperson.
Courtsey : The Economic Times
Wednesday, 30th January 2019